

The CYBATHLON Organising Committee is supported by different boards such as experts in the various disciplines, the Strategic Board and international ambassadors.

Organising Committee

Roland Sigrist

Co-Head of CYBATHLON, Head of Competition & Finances

Portrait of CYBATHLON Director Roland Sigrist

Anni Kern

Co-Head of CYBATHLON, Head of Communications & Events

Portrait of Deputy Director Annegret Kern

Charles Bara

Marketing and Communications Manager

a photo of Charles Bara | © CYBATHLON

Kilian Baur

Head of Technology

Portrait of Head of Technology Killian Baur

Sara Burstin

Administration and Distribution Manager

a photo of Sara Burstin from CYBATHLON | © CYBATHLON

Anne Conti-Mauchamp

Participant Coordinator and Event Support

Participant Coordinator and Event Support at CYBATHLON | © CYBATHLON

Mihailo Djuric


A photo of CYBATHLON Apprentice Mihailo Djuric | © CYBATHLON

Nina Kollegger

Head of CYBATHLON @school

Portrait of Head @school Nina Kolleger

Tim Lenke

Marketing and Communications Manager

Marionna Münger

Competition & Science Manager

a photo of CYBATHLON competition manager Marionna Münger | © CYBATHLON

Tamina Scholtysik

Competition Manager

Tamina Scholtysik CYBATHLON Competition Manager | © CYBATHLON

Katja Stoffels

Head of Teams, Risk Management, Legal

Portrait of Manager Teams and Finance Katja Stoffels

Flurin Wasescha

Support Engineering CYBATHLON and CYBATHLON @school

Photo of Flurin Wasescha  | © CYBATHLON

Heads of Discipline and Expert Advisors

Chiara Basla

Head of Discipline LEG

Felix Erb

Head of Discipline ROB

Adrian Esser

Head of Discipline ARM

Giulia Amos

Head of Discipline VIS

A photo of Giulia Amos who is the head of discipline for VIS | © CYBATHLON

Yong Kuk Kim

Head of Discipline FES

Ingrid Odermatt

Head of Discipline BCI

Michael Sommerhalder

Head of Discipline EXO

Laura Mayrhuber

Head of Discipline WHL

Verena Klamroth-Marganska

Head of Medical Affairs

Giovanni Schiboni

AI Advisor

Giovanni Schiboni AI expert | © CYBATHLON ETH Zurich

Anna Knill

Head of Jury Award

Anna Knill the Head of Jury Award | © CYBATHLON

Strategic Board

The CYBATHLON Strategic Board is composed of eight voting members. Members are:

  • Robert Riener, President
  • Roger Gassert, Vice-​President
  • Jürg Brunnschweiler (Chief of Staff to the President of ETH Zurich)
  • Christoph Joho (Meeting Director Weltklasse Zürich)
  • Patrick Magyar (Entrepreneur)
  • Joe Manser (Local Councillor)
  • Peter Wolf (Senior Scientist)


The following people significantly support CYBATHLON:

  • Sarah Springman (former Rector of  ETH Zurich)
  • Frank Bodin (Advertiser)
  • Kyu Jin Cho (Professor)
  • Michel Fornasier (Give Children a Hand)
  • Heinz Frei (Parathlete)
  • Hugh Herr (Professor)
  • René Huber (Mayor of Kloten)
  • Jongbae Kim (Professor)
  • Corine Mauch (Mayor of Zurich)
  • Joachim Schoss (President MyHandicap)
  • Yoshiyuki Sankai (Professor)
  • David Weir (Parathlete)

Advisory Board

The CYBATHLON Organising Committee is supported by an Advisory Board consisting of representatives from research, medicine, business and politics:

Roland Auberger (Prosthesis Developer), Rüdiger Böhm (Motivational Coach), Thomas Böni (Prosthetist), Rainer Burgkart (Professor), Lukas Christen (Former Parathlete and Coach), Gery Colombo (CEO), Rory Cooper (Professor), Armin Curt (Chief Doctor Paraplegia), Alireza Darvishy (Professor ICT Accessibility), Nicolas Gerig (Robotics Researcher), Moritz Grosse-Wentrup (Professor), Michael Harr (CEO), Ken Hunt (Professor), Masahiko Inami (Professor), Fabian Just (Robotics Researcher), Hanni Kloimstein (Head of Sport & Development), Peter Kyberd (Professor), Christian Lohr (National Council and Member of the Commission of Social Security and Health), Patrick Mayer (entrepreneur and innovator), Brian McGowan (Equality Officer), José Millán (Professor), Gernot Müller-Putz (Professor), Shuro Nakajima (Professor), Peter Neuhaus (Researcher), Domen Novak (Professor), Alex Oberholzer (Film Critic), Claudio Perret (Head of Sports Medicine), Mark Pollock (Explorer & Collaboration Catalyst), Abassia Rahmani (Paralympian), Raffaele Ranzani (Robotics Researcher), Georg Rauter (Professor), Markus Riesch (Project Manager Accessibility), Thomas Schauer (Professor), Kai Schmidt (Robotics Researcher), Diana Sigrist-Nix (Manager Therapy Management and Rehabilitation), Karin Suter-Erath (Paralympian), Kyoko Suzuki (Deputy Head S&T Office Japan), Simon Voit (Prosthetics Expert and Parathlete), Conor Walsh (Professor), Christian Wenger (Lawyer), Dominik Wyser (Robotics Researcher)

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